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mary villarreal


mary villarreal


I have dedicated this page so that you know a little more about me. I would like to start by telling you a little about my personal life; I was born in Saltillo, Mexico. I am very grateful to be the mother of 2 daughters and to have a husband who always supports me, it is a blessing that they have accompanied me on this path. Thank God I grew up in a family that always pushed me to do what I liked the most. Since I was a child, I realized that I was motivated to help others. I spent every summer "teaching" the children of the workers when we visited my father's ranch. He improvised the tables, which were empty apple boxes, the blackboard was a black cardboard, he brought them colors and leaves. Time was passing me by, it was really something I loved to do.


When I grew up, I chose to move to Monterrey, Mexico to study for a Bachelor of Science in Education at the University of Monterrey. I began to work as a teacher in different schools while in the afternoons I gave private therapies to children with learning disabilities. I was very satisfied with my work, however, I was realizing that there were psychological factors that affected children in their performance and above, I did not see them happy. As much as I tried to motivate them (with acknowledgments, encouraging them, supporting them, etc.), I kept seeing that many of them were afraid and anxious. I couldn't stay with my arms crossed without doing something about it, I felt that I could contribute more in my classes. This is how I found the "techniques of emotional liberation", looking for new tools that could help me to solve this problem that I had in front of me. I was in awe of the great accomplishments that could be achieved with this technique, so I decided to take my certification in 2004 with Gary Craig, the founder of EFT.


From here a new stage in my life began. I took more and more EFT courses, I also took various degrees in psychology, I "soaked up" with information from books. Little by little I was heading to this world of emotions, filling all the empty spaces that I had on how this topic was related to learning problems, and later on the role that emotions played in people's lives. The opportunities were presented in such a way that I turned out to be a guide for people in terms of emotional well-being as I became an expert on the subject and implemented what I learned in my day to day life. They started looking for me to give lectures, an enriching experience was having attended the first international EFT meeting of the Hispanic Association. Amazed at the results that I evidenced so much in my personal life, in the children I was working with and in people's emotions, I continued my progress learning more and more, taking more certificates and courses that would help me be an accompaniment for people to reach their emotional health and well-being.


After more than 15 years of giving private therapies, attending children, adolescents and adults and attending courses, workshops and conferences, what now moves me is that every time I can reach more and more people, who know the technique and who can benefit from it. I invite you to know my purpose, my mission, vision and values, because this is the reason why I do what I do today. I am completely grateful that now you are one more person who can know how much this technique can do for you. I am sure that for a reason you came to this page, encourage yourself to continue knowing more!

my personal story

my purpose


"We all deserve a full life, that is why we provide a service of particular therapies and courses to support people to free themselves from the emotional burdens that prevent them. Through emotional release techniques (EFT) we achieve this goal, being a guide and accompaniment for people in this process "



"Emotionally heal people"


unconditional love and acceptance

listen and empathize


respect for people




Our values ​​are in sync with our mission, that is why we celebrate them in every action we take, in this way we live our purpose every day.

propósito & valores

© 2017 by Mary Villarreal



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Río Potomac # 390, Col. Del Valle, San Pedro Garza García, NL, Mexico


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