What is eft?
What is eft?
Emotional Freedom Techniques (Emotional Freedom Techniques, EFT) is a branch of energy psychology that helps us optimize emotional health and relieve pain. They are based on the energy meridians used in acupuncture to treat physical and emotional illnesses, only these techniques do not require needles . Instead, the body's energy is stimulated by tapping on certain meridian points.
eft points
According to Chinese medicine, our body is an energy system , and a series of meridians pass through it where this vital energy flows. The disease (physical or emotional) is a disruption in our energy system, the "tapping" (or EFT) focuses on unlocking this energy by tapping the points where each meridian is located and that the person recovers their health and / or well-being physical or emotional. The following image shows the points where the meridians meet.

top of head
eyebrow base
winged eye
under eye
under the nose
under the clavicle

preparation point
does not require devices or medications
there is no danger of infection
emotions and sensations that the person cannot verbalize may be addressed
it is much faster than any conventional therapy
it is self-applicable
goes to the real cause of the problem and not just the symptom
note . if you are on medication or treatment, you do not have to stop in any way to practice EFT. The symptom can be treated simultaneously with both methods; the tapping technique will guarantee a quicker recovery.
On Dr. Church's page, you can find information about EFT research and a list of scientific articles that demonstrate its effectiveness. The following text is a Spanish translation of the content, you can find the original version in English on the page: eftuniverse.com , where you will find more information and the list of scientific research.
EFT meets the evidence requirements defined by the APA "American Psychological Association". These requirements define empirically validated treatments.
For a treatment to be designated as "effective," studies must show that the treatment is better than a waiting list, the placebo effect, or an established effective treatment. APA standards recommend that studies contain enough individuals to achieve a level of statistical significance of p> .05 or higher.
The status of EFT as an evidence-based practice is summarized by this statement published in the APA review of General Psychology.
"A literature search identified 51 peer-reviewed articles reporting or investigating clinical outcomes after tapping (tapping) to treat psychological problems. The 18 randomized controlled trials in this sample were critically appraised for quality of design, leading to the conclusion that they were shown to have consistently strong results, in addition to obtaining positive statistical results that outweighed the possibilities of requiring few treatment sessions later. The criteria for evidence-based treatments proposed by Division 12 of the American Psychological Association were also applied and they were fulfilled for various actions performed, including post-traumatic stress disorder "(Feinstein, 2012).
The results of all published studies are statistically significant. (Note. It refers to the many articles published on the eftuniverse.com page, enter to review them). EFT has met the requirements of the APA requirements as an "effective" technique for dealing with phobias, anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress.
In terms of medicine, there are several definitions of what constitutes evidence-based treatment. One of the most useful comes from the US government's National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices (NREPP).
"It requires a standardized description of the method in the form of a manual and training materials, documentation that the treatment was delivered with fidelity to that method, the use of validated outcome measures and reliable corrections for dropouts, appropriate statistical analysis, sizes of sufficient sample to produce a probability of p <.05 or better, and publication in a peer-reviewed professional journal. NREPP has validated the Thought Field Theraphy (TFT), on which EFT is based, as an evidence-based practice. "
EFT has been investigated in more than 10 countries, by more than 60 researchers, whose results have been published in more than 20 different peer-reviewed scientific journals. Among them are: Journal of Clinical Psychology, the APA journals Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training and Review of General Psychology, and the oldest psychiatric journal in North America, the Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease.
To see the list of articles visit the page eftuniverse.com
Energy Psychology Journal
(Journal of Energy Psychology)
You can check out the page of the Energy Psychology Journal , a professional, peer-reviewed scientific journal that covers content from the theory of energy psychology, to its research and treatment. They publish new developments in the field of energy psychology. Contains empirical research on the effectiveness of methods, theoretical, experimental and scientific work; in addition to clinical information on the application of energy psychology; book reviews and abstracts published in other journals that are relevant to this field of psychology.
Its objective is to promote the development of energy psychology as an evidence-based method in the healing sciences.
Meets the editorial, stylistic, and aesthetic standards of the American Psychological Association.